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Dear parents and guardians,

This school year's motto is cooperation of parents-students and teachers in order to achieve the best possible educational and spiritual development of your children and our students.

We ask that you actively participate in this process by asking to be regularly informed by the teachers and discussing your children's problems, such as health problems behavior problems and learning difficulties. This is the only way we can deal with and resolve whatever problems may arise in the best possible way.

We hereby append the school's working hours and break times as well as an information note with the day and time that all school teachers are available. Should you desire to have a short briefing you can visit the school during the 3nd break (10:40-10:50), when most of the teachers are available. Apart from issues that have to do with school performance, it is advisable that you ask to be informed about your children's class absences and what sufficient or insufficient school attendance entails.

What you need to know about student's school abscences

In order for a student to be allowed to take part in the final written exam in June, sufficient attendance is a prerequisite. Attendance is considered sufficient, if abscences do not exceed 114. 50 out of 114 abscences may be unsubstantiated. Relevant legislation: presidential decrees: 60/2006 and 485/1983.

How are school absences substantiated?

Student's abscences can be substantiated either with an official medical opinion or with a solemn declaration by the parent or guardian. The declaration has to be submitted to school by the parents themselves after the student's return to school and within a period of 10 working days from his/her abscence. Parents or guardians can substantiate up to 10 days of school abscence throughout the school year but no more than 2 consecutive days each time.

Which abscences can be substantiated?

Abscences which are due to health problems or major force reasons can be substantiated. In such cases, parents are contacted and the child is allowed to withdraw from school. Upon their return to school, students are asked to present a supporting document to substantiate their abscences.

School absences that cannot be substantiated

Hourly as well as longer absences that do not have the principal’s permission cannot be substantiated.
Who you should contact to ask about or substantiate your children’s absences.
Certain teachers have been appointed with the task of keeping track and recording school absences. When a student reaches the number of thirty (30) absences a notice is sent to his/her parents. Parents who have already received a notice, they will be receiving a new one on a monthly basis.

Are mobile phones allowed in school?

The use of mobile phones by students is strictly prohibited within school premises. Should need be, parents can contact the school through the following phone number: 2681028203.

School Working Hours
School classes From To  Break duration
08:10 08:55 5'
09:00 09:45 10'
09:55 10:40 10'
10:50 11:35 10'
11:40 12:30 5'
12:35 13:10 5'
13:15 13:55 -

You can meet school teachers and talk to them every Tuesday or Wednesday from 09:30 till 11:30.

Based on the idea that school is a place for learning and communication, we ask for you active cooperation and we would like to thank you in advance.


THE PRINCIPAL                                                              The Teachers' Associationof the 4th High School of Arta
