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4lykarta sch CERN1
School trip to CERN ? Switzerland (January 23-29, 2017) ? Visit to Lucerne
4lykarta sch CERN2
School trip to CERN ? Switzerland (January 23-29, 2017) ? Departure from Ancona
4lykarta sch CERN3

School trip to CERN ? Switzerland (January 23-29, 2017) ? Visit to the UN building in Geneva

4lykarta sch CERN4
School trip to CERN ? Switzerland (January 23-29, 2017) ? Visit to CERN facilities
4lykarta sch CERN5
 School trip to CERN ? Switzerland (January 23-29, 2017) ? Visit to the Olympic Games Museum in Lausanne
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School trip to CERN ? Switzerland (January 23-29, 2017) ? Visit to Lucerne

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4lykarta sch pieΑ1

Cutting of the New Year?s Cake ? Class A1 (January 2017)


4lykarta sch pieΑ2

Cutting of the New Year?s Cake ? Class A2 (January 2017)


4lykarta sch pieΑ3

Cutting of the New Year?s Cake ? Class A3 (January 2017)


4lykarta sch pieΒ1

Cutting of the New Year?s Cake ? Class B1 (January 2017)


4lykarta sch pieΒ2

Cutting of the New Year?s Cake ? Class B2 (January 2017)


4lykarta sch pieΒ3

Cutting of the New Year?s Cake ? Class B3 (January 2017)


4lykarta sch pieG1

Cutting of the New Year?s Cake ? Class C1 (January 2017)


4lykarta sch pieG2

Cutting of the New Year?s Cake ? Class C2 (January 2017)


4lykarta sch pieG3

Cutting of the New Year?s Cake ? Class C3 (January 2017)

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4lykarta sch ag1


Our school?s girls? volleyball team won first place during the first stage of school games for a second consecutive year. Congratulations to our girls!


4lykarta sch ag2

Once more our fans were the seventh player contributing to our  final win.

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Attempts to improve the appearance of the outdoor environment of our school are made from time to time.

Students, teachers and municipal technical services take part in these activities.

The environmental program ?Configuration of the school yard? that was realized by our school was such an attempt.

According to the program benches and rubbish bins were installed in the yard and the park next to the yard was cleared of excess vegetation and planted with trees.

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It is said that our times are forgetful; that we tend to overwater the tree of oblivion and we have become lotus-eaters. But we say that we pump the water of memory out of inexhaustible wells to bring it along with us in the future when everything is expected ''to be completely dry''. We insist that we remember.

That is why:
? The Greek Language School Counselor Mrs Maria Giannikou
? The Headmaster and the Teachers Association of the 4th High School of Arta
? The students councils of the school

organized an interactive workshop entitled:
?Language ? Writing ? Historical Memory ? Social Fiction?
with the renowned poet, writer and lyricist Ioannis Kalpouzos from Arta as the honored guest.
