School Staff

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2016-2017 SCHOOL YEAR
Teaching Staff of the 4th High School
Name       Subject
Elpida Tsifetaki - Principal English Language
Konstantinos Golomazos? Deputy Principal       Mathematics
Eleni Artemi Greek Language
Eleftherios Aspropotamitis Economics
Dimitrios Georgiou Physical Education
Maria Detsika Greek Language
Efphimia Karagianni English Language
Nikolaos Karagiannis Chemistry
Nikolaos Kapsalas Physics
Georgios Kokkinos Mathematics
Ioannis Kordas Physics
Vissarion Mallios Religious Education
Georgios Mitsios Mathematics
Evdokia Moloni Greek Language
Christos Bpekas Greek Language
Ioannis Bosmos English Language
Vasilios Stogias Physical Education
Ioanna Tsilimi Greek Language
Evaggelia Tsimperidou Law
Alexandros Tsiouris Art
Aggeliki Tsirogianni ICT
Maria Chatzigianni Greek Language
Christos Chiras ICT
Athina Theodosi Greek Language

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School Working Hours
School classes From To  Break duration
08:10 08:55 5'
09:00 09:45 10'
09:55 10:40 10'
10:50 11:35 10'
11:40 12:30 5'
12:35 13:10 5'
13:15 13:55 -

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4lykarta school1


Our school is located in the 3/40 Evzone's Regiment Street in the area of Ano Poli Arta close to the military camp.

Neighbouring schools are the 4th Junior High School, the 3rd and 5th Primary Schools of Arta.

The school complex consists of two building with classrooms, labs and offices, and a gym.

The presence of lively students who turn the place into a pleasant and creative working environment for teaching and learning compensates for the age of the buildings.

The playground is a meeting place for sport activities for children and our gym serves as a training center for local volleyball and handball teams.

You can communicate with us on the number 2681028203 or send us an e-mail to the following address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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