School trip to CERN (2017)

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4lykarta sch CERN1
School trip to CERN ? Switzerland (January 23-29, 2017) ? Visit to Lucerne
4lykarta sch CERN2
School trip to CERN ? Switzerland (January 23-29, 2017) ? Departure from Ancona
4lykarta sch CERN3

School trip to CERN ? Switzerland (January 23-29, 2017) ? Visit to the UN building in Geneva

4lykarta sch CERN4
School trip to CERN ? Switzerland (January 23-29, 2017) ? Visit to CERN facilities
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 School trip to CERN ? Switzerland (January 23-29, 2017) ? Visit to the Olympic Games Museum in Lausanne
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School trip to CERN ? Switzerland (January 23-29, 2017) ? Visit to Lucerne
